Improving the efficiency of meetings with remote freelancers

Improving the efficiency of meetings with remote freelancers

Written by
Manon Ngaako

In France, in the run-up to Paris 2024 Olympic Games, companies are redoubling their efforts to communicate better with their teams, in particular with freelancers specializing in digital missions. Indeed, the situation between globalization and digital transformation has increased remote professional relationships, especially with freelancers. 59% of freelancers based in France work from home. This choice can be explained by the flexibility, the diversity of skills and the ability to adapt quickly of these professionals. While they offer targeted expertise for specific missions, freelancers above all allow companies to respond in an agile way to high requirements within tight deadlines. Recognizing these parameters, businesses have every interest in maximizing the effectiveness of remote meetings with freelancers. How do you get there?

Freelancing & remote meeting: basic principles

According to An Owl Labs study, 62% of employees work remotely at least part of the week. For freelancers, this percentage is often higher. However, the occasional nature of recourse to the self-employed induces an additional challenge linked to the transmission of corporate culture. Indeed, to carry out its mission successfully, independent talent must understand and integrate company values into your work. In this context, it is essential that meetings are effective, and therefore well prepared.

In the first place, choosing the most suitable videoconferencing tool for everyone (Teams, Zoom, Google Meet...) will prove decisive in ensuring fluid and uninterrupted communication.

In a second step, it is essential to prepare for the meeting as much as possible.

To do this, you can:

  • Send links or access codes : This is a good way to avoid the stress of preparing early. Send links or access codes to the meeting prior to the appointment. Also, make sure that all participants have received the information they need to understand the topics discussed.
  • Present the themes and objectives of the meeting : Whether at the time of the invitation or at the start of the meeting, recalling the points to be addressed and clarifying the objectives of the meeting will be beneficial for everyone. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, 64% of meetings have no goals. However, the accuracy of the indications is decisive in the success of a freelance mission, especially at a distance.
  • Organize exchanges : Set aside time for questions and make sure everyone understands the issues raised. To do this, feel free to assign roles. One person may be in charge of leading the meeting, another person may be in charge of sending a report, in the case of a meeting where the protagonists are numerous, a person may even be in charge of moderating the chat area so that no message is forgotten.


Remote meeting with freelancers: a challenge?

As you know, an independent talent is autonomous. Those you decide to work with necessarily have the expertise you need. So why not opt for asynchronous collaboration?

Asynchronous work refers to people who work together, but each at their own pace, without the need to be immediately available. In this configuration, the reduced number of interruptions allows team members to be more productive.

In case of remote work, or even of divergent time zones, this is a widespread solution. However, meetings must remain regular and effective. A challenge that you will have no trouble answering if:

  • Do you consider remote to be the default mode : Make your business see remote meeting as a norm rather than an exception. In this way, the subject will be thought of from start to finish and all possibilities will be evaluated to design solutions adapted to this way of working. This will be beneficial to stakeholders external to the company, but also to your internal collaborators (teleworking, full remote, or other).
  • You encourage seeing and being seen : Encourage everyone in a meeting to use their cameras. Nonverbal communication is crucial for mutual understanding and commitment. Especially for external collaborators who do not know everyone present.
  • You facilitate participation and exchange : According to a Microsoft survey, interactive meetings are 34% more productive. And that's exactly what you need to maximize the results of your freelance consultants. Use tools to boost your exchanges and make an impression (surveys, presentations...).
  • You take care of the after meeting : Once the meeting is over, follow-up continues. Make sure to provide each participant with a clear report so that everyone has the same understanding of the expectations, issues, and deadlines set. Also, gather feedback to improve future meetings, especially to better integrate future external stakeholders.

In short, team spirit can just as easily be created remotely, in an asynchronous team, which includes paid and independent talents... All you have to do is make every effort to manage the situation in the best possible way. With the help of our advice, you have everything you need to get there.

réunions à distance


While the Paris 2024 Olympics are pushing companies based in Île-de-France to organize themselves in view of logistical challenges, collaborating with independent talent is a real opportunity to adapt quickly to the situation. With Beager's advice, overcome the obstacles of remote communication to take full advantage of the skills and expertise of your freelancers. Save time! Host effective remote meetings with experienced talent. Moreover, are you looking for the best consultants to work on your projects? Entrust your needs to us. Beager offers you the most suitable profiles to help you succeed.

Manon Ngaako
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